Siege is simple load testing and benchmarking tool. Siege support GET and POST method to test your webservers through cookies, HTTP , HTTPS and FTP protocols. You can test single or multiple web urls in a single test .

Installation on Linux :

Download latest version Siege from official website Current latest version is “siege-3.1.0”  or

Copy siege files into your project directory and compile it. In below example I have installed it under siege directory.

$ mkdir siege
$ wget
$ tar zxvf siege-3.1.0.tar.gz
$ cd siege-3.1.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

If you have successfully installed siege then check your installation using “siege -C”

Mozilla/5.0 (unknown-x86_64-linux-gnu) Siege/3.1.0
Edit the resource file to change the settings.
version:                        3.1.0
verbose:                        true
quiet:                          false
debug:                          false
protocol:                       HTTP/1.1
get method:                     HEAD
proxy-port:                     3924
connection:                     close
concurrent users:               15
time to run:                    n/a
repetitions:                    n/a
socket timeout:                 30
accept-encoding:                gzip
delay:                          1.000 sec
internet simulation:            false
benchmark mode:                 false
failures until abort:           1024
named URL:                      none
URLs file:                      /usr/local/etc/urls.txt
logging:                        true
log file:                       /home/prod/siege/logs/siege.log
resource file:                  /usr/local/etc/siegerc
timestamped output:             false
comma separated output:         false
allow redirects:                true
allow zero byte data:           true
allow chunked encoding:         true
upload unique files:            true

Usages :

Test Single Url:

siege -u -d1 -r10 -c10

Parameter Details

-d1 => Delay 1 second
-c10 => Number of concurrent request. (i.e 10)
-r10 => Number of repetition. (i.e. 10)

If we don’t pass -u then it will take url from default url directory (/usr/local/etc/urls.txt). You can check default directory by “siege -C”.


** SIEGE 3.1.0
** Preparing 5 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege...done

Transactions:                    100 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                   7.19 secs
Data transferred:               4.36 MB
Response time:                  0.02 secs
Transaction rate:              13.91 trans/sec
Throughput:                     0.61 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    0.32
Successful transactions:         100
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.08
Shortest transaction:           0.00

Test Multiple URL:

Siege has support to test multiple url. Put all test url in siege url.txt default url.txt location is /usr/local/etc/urls.txt. You can verify siege url.txt location by using “siege -C”. Now you don’t need to pass -u parameter in siege command.

siege -d1 -r10 -c10

Example url.txt file


Test random url with [-i] parameter

siege -d1 -i -r10 -c10

Siege Parameter

-V     –version VERSION, prints version number to screen.
-h     –help HELP, prints this section.
-v     –verbose VERBOSE, prints notification to screen.
-c     –concurrent=NUM CONCURRENT users, default is 10
-u     –url=”URL” URL, a single user defined URL for stress testing.
-i     –internet INTERNET user simulation, hits the URLs randomly.
-b     –benchmark BENCHMARK, signifies no delay for time testing.
-t      –times=NUM TIMES, number of times to run the test, default is 25
-t      –time=NUMm TIME based testing where “m” is the modifier S, M, or H no space between NUM and “m”, ex: –time=1H, 1 hour test.
-f      –file=FILE FILE, change the configuration file to file.
-l      –log LOG, logs the transaction to PREFIX/var/siege.log
-m    –mark=”text” MARK, mark the log file with a string separator.
-d    –delay=NUM Time DELAY, random delay between 1 and num designed to simulate human activity. Default value is 3


To test url with post parameter change url.txt like below

http://domain1.cmm/dir/file POST param1=value1
http://domain2.cmm/dir/file POST param1=value1&param2=value
http://domain3.cmm/dir/file POST param=value
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