Jenkins Questions and Answers
Jenkins Questions and Answers
Here are the list of Jenkins Questions.
- What is the Jenkins ? How you will use Jenkins to automate CI/CD ?
- How to configure your Github or Bitbucket repository to trigger the build when any changes happen in code ?
- Please explain all the steps to integrate SonarQube scan with Jenkins Pipeline ?
- How do you achieve CD ( Continuous deployment) in Jenkins ?
- Explain End to End java application Pipeline?
- How you will configure Junit to run the test with Jenkins Pipeline ?
- How to integrate Selenium test with Jenkins Pipeline ?
- What are the difference in between Jenkins and TeamCity ?
- How to configure slave node in Jenkins ?
- What is the difference between declarative and scripted pipeline ?
Type of Jobs we can create in Jenkins
- Freestyle Project
- Pipeline
- Multiconfiguration Projects
- Folder
- GitHub organization
- Mutlibranch Pipeline
Types of Build Trigger In Jenkins
- Build after other projects are built
- Build periodically
- GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
- Poll SCM
- Disable this project
- Quiet period
- Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)
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