This article is going to step by step set-up and Configure WAMP Server in Windows 7 & 8 machine.


FOR WAMP 32bit :-

  Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) [Download Link ]

  If you are using WampServer 2.4 or 2.5

  Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 [ Download Link ]

  Press the Download button and on the following screen select VSU_4\vcredist_x86.exe

 FOR WAMP 64bit :-

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)  [Download Link]

If you are using WampServer 2.5 on a 64bit Windows
You will need both the 32bit and 64bit versions of this runtime.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 [Download Link]
Press the Download button and on the following screen select VSU_4\vcredist_x86.exe
Press the Download button and on the following screen select VSU_4\vcredist_x64.exe

Steps :-
1) Download WAMP Server.
First you need to download WAMP server from
choose your WAMP version according to your windows machine configuration 32bit or 64bit.

Download Wamp Server

Click in Download Directly

Download Wamp Server

2) Installation and Configuration :-
Go to your download folder and click on WAMP exe to start WAMP server installation.

Click on Wamp server exe

It will open WAMP installation Wizard. Click on Run

Wamp Setup

Click on Next Button

Wamp installation step

Select “I accept the agreement” radio button and click on “Next“.

Wamp license agreement

Choose WAMP installation directory by default it will be C:\wamp then click on Next.

Choose wamp installation directory

Choose Quick Launcher or Desktop icon checkbox if you want to quick launcher and desktop icon then Click on Next

Choose quick launch and desktop icon

Now click on Install button to start installation process.

Ready wamp installation

While installing WAMPServer it will ask default browser for WAMPserver, By default it will automatically detect Internet Explorer . Click on open button to select IE as a default browser.

Set wamp server’s default browser

If you want to change to any other browser as a default WAMP server browser then go to  Program Files (x86) in your windows installation directory. For e.g. to set Mozilla Firefox choose firefox.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe and click on open.

choose firefox as default browser

Now PHP mail parameter wizard. Default SMTP is localhost and email is you@youdomain , for now keep it as it is 🙂  and click on Next button

Setup SMPT host and email

Now “Complete the Wampserver 2 Setup wizard” by click on finish button

Wamp finish installation and launch the server

if you choose “Launch WampServer 2 now” check-box then it will immediate launch wampserver.

3) Start WAMP Server

Now you have successfully installed wamp server in your windows machine. In order to start using you have  start WAMPServer services.

Go to Start->All Programs->WampServer folder and click on “Start WampServer”. If you already click on desktop icon then you can directly go and click on WampServer shortcut to start it.

Now go to desktop icons and click on WAMP icon. Initially wamp icon is Red (means no services are running ).


when you click on Start All Service  and it will turns to Orange color ( means Wamp server services are running but not all services are started ) .(* 1)

When All services has been started then wamp icon turns to Green .
4) Verify Wamp installation.

You start wamp server successfully now you need to check your wamp server is running or not. Go to browser and type http://localhost/

you will see screen like below.

Verify Wamp Installation

If you are not able to view above screen then might be some problem with your default port in which wamp server running.

Most Common error , WAMP will be install on port 80 in your machine. If port 80 is already occupied by any other services or sever then you have to configure WAMP on another port. This issue you will generally face if IIS is already installed in your machine.

1) Go to WAMP Desktop icon -> Apache -> httpd.conf
Search -> 80 and replace with 8080

Then save httpd.conf file. Now got to desktop wamp icon (* 1) and click on “Restart All Services” . Now your wamp server will run on 8080 port. You can verify installation by including port in http://localhost/ to http://localhost:8080/

5) Hello World PHP !

I think when you successfully set wamp server then why not start with “Hello World” php program.

Go to www directory inside C:\wamp directory and create your project directory named “first-project” (C:\wamp\www\first-project) .

Inside first-project directory create a file “index.php

Write your first program here .

* TechieRoop PHP Tutorial
* Hello World Program.
echo 'Hello World !';

Go to browser and run your project http://localhost/first-project/.   You will see Hello World ! is displaying in browser window.

That’s it in first part of PHP tutorial .

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