How DevOps Tools Work Together?
As we know DevOPS is a newly emerging term in IT field, which is nothing but a software development practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and information-technology (IT) operation professionals. It helps us to delivering software product faster and lowering the failure rate of releases.
There are lots of tools of technologies comes under DevOPS Practice. But majorly devops focused on these 7 key aspects
- Code — Code development and review, version control tools, code merging.
- Build — Continuous integration tools, build status.
- Test — Test and results determine performance.
- Package — Artifact repository, application pre-deployment staging.
- Release — Change management, release approvals, release automation.
- Configure — Infrastructure configuration and management, Infrastructure–as–Code tools.
- Monitor — Applications performance monitoring, end–user experience.

So if you are beginner then its very important to understand how these tools works together. Here is a good Continuous Pipeline example I found which help us to understand how devops tools workflow .

Apart from above DevOps tools there are number of tools available in DevOps Ecosystem.