Write a python program to find the largest and smallest number in python using for loop

  1. Assign first element of an array to largest(lt) and smallest (st) value variable.
  2. Traverse the array by using for loop
  • If element of array a[i] is smaller than first element of variable st then assign array element to st.
  • else if, array element a[i] is larger than first element of variable lt then assign array element to lt.

a = [5, 3, 2, 8]
st = a[0]
lt = a[0]
l = len(a)
for i in range(l):
    if a[i] < st:
        st = a[i]
    elif a[i] > lt:
        lt = a [i]
print("Small: {}, Large: {} ".format(st,lt))


Small: 2, Large: 8 

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