Check if array contains value in shell script
Check if array contains value in shell script
Here is simple bash script to check if array contains value . We can iterate over array and check if value is exist or not but we can also check in if condition if array contains value or not.
- Use this solution, If array value doesn’t contains the space.
if [[ " ${arr[@]} " =~ " ${val} " ]]; then
# put you commands here when array contains a value
if [[ ! " ${arr[@]} " =~ " ${val} " ]]; then
# commands here when array doesn't contains a value
Use Case:
I have used this script to validate if correct task is passed or not in argument
arr=("task1" "task2" "task3")
if [[ " ${arr[@]} " =~ " ${task} " ]]; then
echo "User has provided correct $task in argument"
echo "Put your logic for $task"
echo "Please pass correct task name in argument"
echo "Correct values are"
echo '("task1" "task2" "task3")'
2. Use below solutions, if array contains space.
Here printf
statement will prints each array value in a separate line.
The grep
statement uses the special characters ^
and $
to find a line that contains exactly same value
if printf '%s\n' "${arr[@]}" | grep -q -P '^task1$'; then
# ...
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